Come Out of Hiding and Show Us Who You Are

How are you hiding parts of who you are? Do you know that coming out of hiding is an essential step of doing your purposeful work.

In kindergarten, when I accidentally wrote with pen in my teacher's book, I felt--what I now know as--shame. "I am a bad girl who did something wrong" I thought. And my way of dealing with that was hiding the truth. I snuck into the kindergarten room and slipped the book back on the shelf without telling a soul, believing that if anyone ever found out the truth,...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Your Wounds Are Clues to Your Calling

Today, I honor your past Wounds & Struggles as valuable training ground for your Purposeful Work.

When I think about some of my past struggles and wounds, it is easy now to see the gifts they gave me. It is also clear to see how they helped shape me into the leader that I am, doing the work I'm meant to do.

Let's take a look at my personal wounds as examples of how our past struggles can lead us to our most purposeful work:

1. My wound from my sister's suicide and the trauma of finding...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Your Purposeful Work Needs Your Commitment

I am here today to up your COMMITMENT game. I've seen many clients get cold feet when asked to commit to a dream. I'm telling you, a dream will stay a dream until you're ALL IN with both feet.

So let's see where you are with committing to your inspired visions around your purposeful work. Commitment is the super-fuel you need to propel your visions into reality.

The past five weeks, I've been leading a group of rising entrepreneurs through a coaching experience designed to propel...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Don't Fake It till You Make It

'Fake it till you make it.' I've heard that advice so many times in my life. Today, I am here to give you different advice: There is no need to fake anything when you can connect with your True Confidence in any moment.

Let's tap into your authentic CONFIDENCE as you express what you have to offer others through your purposeful work.

The past few weeks I've been sharing tips on:
1. Clarifying the purposeful work you're truly meant to do.
2. Summoning Courage to move beyond Fear in...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Tips: Connecting with Your Ideal Client

Do you ever feel like you have so much to give if only the ideal people would gather to receive your gifts? Today, I am here to help you CONNECT with who you are uniquely designed to serve with your natural gifts.

The last couple weeks I've been sharing tips on Clarifying the purposeful work you're truly meant to do. And then summoning the Courage to move beyond Fear in order to step into that work .

This week, I've been leading a group of rising entrepreneurs through the next step:...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

How to Invoke Courage to Move Beyond Fear

Today, I invoke your Courage to move beyond the fear that is stopping you from doing your most purposeful work in the world.

Newfound Clarity can often invoke Fear. Fear senses that now that we're clear, we're going to be making some big changes and stepping into unchartered territory. It is Fear's job to try to stop us from making big changes in attempts to keep us safe and protected in our current comfort zone.

What Fear comes up for you when you think about taking your next step into doing...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

A Simple Tip to Get Clear on Your Unique Contribution

Today, I invoke your Clarity.

Yesterday, I led a group coaching experience around Clarifying the unique contribution you're meant to make in the world. I have a tendency to get chills whenever a major insight or vision comes through that is truly right for the person I am supporting. Let me say I have never had so many chills in a 90 minute session!

So, from this inspired experience I want to share 1 incredibly simple thing you can do right now to invoke Clarity. Specifically, let's Clarify...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

From TEDx Straight to Your Heart

Today, I come from the TEDx Tryon stage...straight to your heart.

I am still high from this weekend's TEDx performance experience. For 3 days I was immersed in a creative collaborative process with singer-songwriter, Asher Leigh.

We were invited to be the Final Performance of TEDx Tryon--bringing the event to an uplifting close, honoring the charge of the day "Live.Inspire.Repeat."

We spent the two days of dress rehearsal and tech rehearsal soaking in the TED Talks, letting whatever moved us...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

Walking Through Fear & Wearing a Tutu on TV

Last week I found myself wearing a TuTu, leaping and spinning through the streets of downtown Asheville, feeling incredibly Alive, Joyful, and Liberated in my True Self expression! I was doing a Photo Shoot in celebration of another amazing SHINE Expansive coming to a close, and in honor of "Love, Liberate & Launch"  9-month Coaching Program beginning soon.

This week, I was asked to perform an improvisational piece on TV as a promotion for TEDx (where I'll be performing this...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.

What's Your Tagline for Intimacy

Today I come from what's ALIVE in me at this very moment--bringing Intimacy to our relationship.

I've been immersed in all the goodness of The SHINE Expansive and now am about to dash off to my 3-year old's preschool orientation. I know I'm in good company with all the Mamas & Entrepreneurs who are juggling, transitioning, and showing up to each moment as present as we can. 

Recently I was called on stage to join Singer-Songwriter Asher Leigh who loves to ask deep questions. So...

Read your whole message from Jessica here.
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